Here’s To You Mom!

Published by : Emily Ladd

Here’s To You Mom!

The beginning of May is often filled with Mother’s Day related celebration. To Mothers everywhere, we hope loved ones are telling you how much they appreciate you. As most of you know, the mental and physical work of a Mother never ends. We have little time to reflect on how we are doing and take care of ourselves. Although most…

Attention Athletes, Stop Reaching for a Pad Before Exercise!

As a physical therapist who specializes in pelvic floor disorders, I hear about urinary and bowel leakage a lot.  What still surprises me are the number of athletes, often runners and Cross Fitters, who have trouble with incontinence while exercising.  This is usually due to a dysfunctional pelvic floor, and at times core weakness. Yes, even the strongest, toughest athletes…

Stop Crossing Your Legs When You Cough and Sneeze!

As we reach the end of cold and flu season, many of my recent patients are seeking therapy because they noticed bladder leaking while they were ill.  Coughing and sneezing increase pressure in the abdomen, which transfers force on to the bladder and may cause leaking if pelvic floor muscles are weak.  I appreciate this opportunity to tell patients that…