Diaphragm Breathing and Core Strengthening


Diaphragm Breathing and Core Strengthening

Did you know you can use your breathing technique to actually help with strengthening your core? The diaphragm is a dome-shaped muscle that forms the floor of the ribcage and assists with inspiration and passively with expiration. As you inhale, the diaphragm contracts, allowing the rib cage to expand. At this point, your abdominal’s lengthen as well. Your transverse abdominis is…

6 Tips to Shovel Snow Safely

Snow shoveling, just like many other repetitive activities, can lead to muscle strain especially to the low back and shoulders. Here are some tips to help minimize injuries. Be sure to check out the full article here: https://www.choosept.com/resources/detail/snow-shoveling 1. Lift smaller loads instead of filling the shovel with large amounts of heavy snow. Bending the knees and using your legs…

7 Myths about Physical Therapy

Physical therapists are considered experts in the area of movement, who specialize in decreasing pain, improving mobility, and helping people stay active.  However, there are common misconceptions about physical therapy which often keep people from seeking treatment. Here are 7 myths about physical therapy, as well as the actual truth related to each.  For the full article, go to https://www.choosept.com/Resources/Detail/7-myths-about-physical-therapy…

Tips to Avoid Over training Injuries

Since COVID-19 and the closure of businesses, there has been a spike in people enjoying the outdoors and taking up physical activities. Good awareness of activity is important, otherwise it can be very easy to over train and injure yourself. Signs and symptoms of over training can be more than just a musculoskeletal injury; they can also include loss of…

3 Strategies to Maintain Health and Fitness During Social Distancing and COVID-19

Despite the many changes we have been experiencing due to COVID-19, finding ways to maintain healthy habits and a healthy lifestyle are still especially important. Participating in regular physical activity has been shown to improve immune system health, address some chronic conditions, and can also help with combating anxiety and fear Physical therapists are trained practitioners who specialize in movement…

Attention Athletes, Stop Reaching for a Pad Before Exercise!

As a physical therapist who specializes in pelvic floor disorders, I hear about urinary and bowel leakage a lot.  What still surprises me are the number of athletes, often runners and Cross Fitters, who have trouble with incontinence while exercising.  This is usually due to a dysfunctional pelvic floor, and at times core weakness. Yes, even the strongest, toughest athletes…

Stop Crossing Your Legs When You Cough and Sneeze!

As we reach the end of cold and flu season, many of my recent patients are seeking therapy because they noticed bladder leaking while they were ill.  Coughing and sneezing increase pressure in the abdomen, which transfers force on to the bladder and may cause leaking if pelvic floor muscles are weak.  I appreciate this opportunity to tell patients that…

Breast Cancer Awareness and Physical Therapy

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and rightly so since millions of women and their families are affected by cancer.  A staggering 1 in 8 women will develop this often-life-threatening condition at some point in their lives. The good news is that we are seeing survival rates steadily improve, as well as learning more and more about disease prevention. …

Plantar Fasciitis

Recently Michael Curtis posted a great article about the Causes of Plantar Fasciitis. Michael lists 10 options for treatment: In no particular order, here are some treatment options: Stretch the Achilles: since it’s likely you’ll have limited ankle dorsiflexion with Plantar Fasciitis, you may want to try stretching the Achilles (see photo below). Since the Achilles attaches to the opposite…

Physical Therapy is beyond Physical

According to a recent article published in the September Newsletter of the American Physical Therapist Association’s Private Practice Section (PPSAPTA), physical therapy can play an important part in your mental health. “Physical activity reduces feelings of anxiety, depression and stress by improving the patient’s cognitive function and self-esteem. Moreover, studies have shown that aerobic exercise decreases overall tension levels, elevates…