Treatment of TMJ/ Craniofacial Pain

Treatment of TMJ/ Craniofacial Pain

Treatment of TMJ/ Craniofacial Pain

The Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ)  is a rotating, sliding joint that connects the jaw to the school. It sits directly in front of the ear and can contribute to ear pain. An estimated 10 million Americans experience some form of jaw pain. Often this pain increases with stress, chewing, yawning, speaking, singing, stomach sleeping, or teeth grinding. A dysfunctional TMJ can sometimes click, pop, and cause facial swelling. It can cause pain, and headaches including migraines,  Face, and ear pain. 

Physical therapy is commonly prescribed for patients with TMJ disorder. It is a conservative and very effective treatment for jaw and facial pain physical therapy treatment focuses on treating muscle dysfunction through the neck and jaw, restoring normal joint biomechanics, and improving posture.

We provide a comprehensive home program so you will have exercises and activities you can do at home to help reduce your pain as well. At HOPE Physical Therapy & Wellness you’ll receive individualized personal care. Each physical therapy visit will be one-on-one with a physical therapist that will know you by name and customize your treatment to get you feeling your best!


At HOPE Physical Therapy & Wellness we believe that the client’s input is invaluable.  If this service is an interest for your wellness needs, please CONTACT us here or call us at 719-466-6800 to schedule your FREE 15-minute consultation with one of our physical therapists.

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