Faith Yoga at HOPE Yoga Studio

Faith Yoga at HOPE Yoga Studio

Faith Yoga at HOPE Physical Therapy in HOPE Yoga Studio


Join us at HOPE Physical Therapy & Wellness on Monday, Nov. 13th 2023 at 5:30 pm for our first Faith Yoga class with Alainna.

For only $15 enjoy a relaxing evening in a Christ-centered restorative yoga class with an emphasis on gentle stretching, breathing, and resting.

Reserve your seat and book with this link:

(You will need to create an account before you can actually book and pay for your first yoga session at HOPE!)




Faith Yoga

Yoga means “union” or to unite, or be yoked. In yoga, we coordinate our breathing with different postures and movements. Faith Yoga is the union of body, mind, and spirit focused on Jesus Christ! Christian yoga moves through different postures with guided breathing as we set our hearts and minds on The Lord. Classes incorporate Christian music, prayer, and meditation on The Bible to refresh our minds and Spirit in Truth.

God calls us to slow down and rest- something that is not always easy to do in our busy day-to-day lives. Join us for a time of movement, prayer, and meditation in our faith-based yoga class. Be led through a series of postures and breath work aimed at restoring your body, mind, and spirit.

** We invite all levels of physical ability to join our devotional on the mat! **



Meet your Faith Yoga instructor:

Alainna Wolinski  

Alainna is a native of Colorado Springs and loves being a part of the wellness and healing community here! She is passionate about yoga, breath work, and meditation and loves sharing these practices with others. Combining years of work in the beauty industry with a holistic approach to life Alainna thrives in helping others feel their best. When she isn’t at the yoga studio you can find her adventuring around town with her 2 beautiful boys and spending time on creative projects.






At HOPE Physical Therapy & Wellness we believe that the client’s input is invaluable.  If this service is an interest for your wellness needs, please CONTACT us here and share with us!

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You can also check out many of the other SERVICES we offer or get more information on our WELLNESS PROGRAM.

Are you ready to live life to the fullest? There is HOPE!