Physical Therapy Treatment for Breast Cancer w/ HOPE PT

Published by : Adrian Hope

Physical Therapy Treatment for Breast Cancer w/ HOPE PT

The benefits of physical therapy following breast cancer are often overlooked and underutilized. Benefits include pain reduction, range of motion and strength recovery, swelling/ edema control, and reduced risk for cancer reoccurrence. Treatments include gentle stretching and strengthening exercises, body mechanics training, manual therapy including fascial release, massage, and trigger point dry needling. Additionally, at HOPE Physical Therapy and Wellness…

Tips to Avoid Over training Injuries

Since COVID-19 and the closure of businesses, there has been a spike in people enjoying the outdoors and taking up physical activities. Good awareness of activity is important, otherwise it can be very easy to over train and injure yourself. Signs and symptoms of over training can be more than just a musculoskeletal injury; they can also include loss of…

3 Strategies to Maintain Health and Fitness During Social Distancing and COVID-19

Despite the many changes we have been experiencing due to COVID-19, finding ways to maintain healthy habits and a healthy lifestyle are still especially important. Participating in regular physical activity has been shown to improve immune system health, address some chronic conditions, and can also help with combating anxiety and fear Physical therapists are trained practitioners who specialize in movement…

The Doctor that Women Need

Great article about pelvic floor physical therapy. At HOPE Physical Therapy and Wellness, we offer free consultations if you ever just want to come in an chat with our Women’s Health PT. In this article, Rachel Tavel states that most people relate physical therapy with sports injuries or post-op rehab.  But there is more that physical therapy can do for…

What is Trigger Point Dry Needling?

Not all therapy or therapists are created equal.  At HOPE Physical Therapy we believe in treating the patient with the modality that will provide the best path of recovery.  If needed, our therapist can perform trigger point dry needling to reduce pain and improve movement. In a recent article published by the APTA’s Move Forward PT community page, trigger point…

Breast Cancer Awareness and Physical Therapy

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and rightly so since millions of women and their families are affected by cancer.  A staggering 1 in 8 women will develop this often-life-threatening condition at some point in their lives. The good news is that we are seeing survival rates steadily improve, as well as learning more and more about disease prevention. …

Plantar Fasciitis

Recently Michael Curtis posted a great article about the Causes of Plantar Fasciitis. Michael lists 10 options for treatment: In no particular order, here are some treatment options: Stretch the Achilles: since it’s likely you’ll have limited ankle dorsiflexion with Plantar Fasciitis, you may want to try stretching the Achilles (see photo below). Since the Achilles attaches to the opposite…

Physical Therapy is beyond Physical

According to a recent article published in the September Newsletter of the American Physical Therapist Association’s Private Practice Section (PPSAPTA), physical therapy can play an important part in your mental health. “Physical activity reduces feelings of anxiety, depression and stress by improving the patient’s cognitive function and self-esteem. Moreover, studies have shown that aerobic exercise decreases overall tension levels, elevates…

September is Interstitial Cystitis Awareness Month

What in the world is Interstitial Cystitis (IC)?  You may ask this if you are not familiar with the often disabling bladder condition affecting up to 12% of women.  Symptoms of IC include a feeling of pain or pressure in the bladder area (whether the bladder is full or not), burning or discomfort in the urinary tract that is not…

Physical Therapy vs Opioids

You have an option when it comes to pain management.  The human body is a machine, and like all machines, they can wear down.  Living totally pain free is the goal, but not realistic. In today’s world of modern medicine, the pill is the quick fix. But not the only option. Physical Therapy can be a great option over opioids.…